Active or Deactivate Repetition

The repetition feature allows to activate or deactivate the repetition of tasks.

  • Navigate to the Active Plan area in the web portal or mobile app. Please refer to Active Plans.
  • In the mobile app see plan details.
  • Click the Active Tasks or Inactive Tasks tab in the web poral or mobile app.
  • Select a repetitive task.
  • Supervisors can activate and deactivate the repetition of a task.
  • In the web portal, see the task with the repetition deactivated.
  • In the mobile app, see the task with the repetition deactivated.
  • In the web portal or mobile app click the icon to activate the repetition of the task. The icon will turn from gray to blue.
  • Activating the repetition of a task will create the corresponding instances. Please refer to Repetitive Task for more information.
  • In the mobile app, see the task with the repetition activated.
  • In the web portal or mobile app click the icon to deactivate the repetition of the task. The icon will turn from blue to gray.
  • Deactivating the repetition of a task will stop the creation of instances. Please refer to Repetitive Task for more information.