Add, Change or Remove Location

The Location section allows you to view, add, edit, or delete the geographic position in a task from the web portal and mobile app.

View Location
  • Navigate to an Inactive, Active, Completed, or Canceled Plan in the mobile app. Refer to Inactive Plans, Active Plans, Completed Plans, or Canceled Plans.
  • Select any task to navigate to the task details.
  • Click the plus sign icon to zoom in on the location.
  • Click the minus sign icon to zoom out the location.
  • Tap on the location. An option should appear to navigate to the map application.
Add or Change Location
  • Navigate to an Inactive or Active Plan in the web portal or mobile app. Please refer to Inactive Plans or Active Plan.
  • Navigate to a task. In an active plan the task must have the status not started or in progress.
  • Navigate to a task. In an active plan the task must have the status not started or in progress.
  • A request to grant or deny a geolocation permission might appear in your browser. To allow you to use your current location on the map, you must accept the permission.
  • Select the location.
  • Click the Save button.
  • In the mobile app select the new location.
  • Click the Confirm Change
  • Fill out the fields.
  • Click the Save button.
Remove Location
  • Navigate to an Inactive or Active Plan. Please refer to Inactive Plans or Active Plans.
  • Navigate to a task. In an active plan the task must have the status not started or in progress.
  • In the web portal click the Remove button.
  • In the mobile app click the Edit  button.
  • Click the Delete Location button.