Graph and Time

The graphs are a visual representation of the tasks progress or result in a plan.

  • Completed tasks progress bar shows the percentage and quantity of active tasks that have been completed.
  • Not started tasks graph shows the percentage and quantity of active tasks that are yet to be started.
  • Tasks in progress bar shows the percentage and quantity of active tasks that have been started.
  • Tasks in progress will expire bar shows the percentage and quantity of tasks that have a remaining time of less than a quarter of the completion time.
  • Require assistance graph shows the percentage and quantity of tasks in progress that users or supervisors need assistance with.
  • Overdue graph shows the percentage and quantity of tasks in progress that have exceeded the completion time.
  • Click the Dashboard tab.
  • Completed tasks graph shows the percentage of active tasks that have been completed.
  • Not started tasks graph shows the percentage of active tasks that are yet to be started.
  • Total of tasks in progress graph shows the percentage of active tasks that have been started.
  • Tasks in progress will expire graph shows the percentage of tasks that have a remaining time of less than a quarter of the completion time.
  • Require Assistance graph shows the percentage of in progress tasks where users or supervisors need assistance with.
  • Overdue graph shows the percentage of in progress tasks that have exceeded the completion time.

The time indicates how long the plan has been in progress or did it take to complete.

  • Time counts from the moment the plan is activated until it’s completed or canceled.
  • Timestamps indicate when a plan is activated, completed, or canceled.