General Plan2Ops an application to help automate your emergency and business continuity plans (hereinafter, the “Service”), provided and operated by Internet Vision Development, (INVID) LLC. (hereinafter, “Plan2Ops”, “we” or “us”). This is the Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) applicable to Plan2Ops’s website and any other mobile or online service and/or applications owned, controlled or offered by Plan2Ops now or in the future (hereinafter, collectively the “Application”). Also, this Policy is subject to and must be read in conjunction with Plan2Ops’s Terms of Service (“Terms”), and it is binding on all Application users. Plan2Ops collects certain non-personal information and certain personally identifiable information that may be used to provide you (“you” or “User”) with the Service, content, industry information and/or advertisements. This Policy explains the information we collect about you, how we use the information, some of the security steps taken to protect the information, and the choices you have to review, revise and/or restrict our usage of this information. By using the Application, you are accepting and agreeing to be bound by each of the terms set forth in this Policy. Plan2Ops reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify this Policy as we deem necessary or desirable, without prior notice.

If we make any substantial changes, we will notify you by sending you an e-mail to the e-mail address that is registered with your account and/or by posting a notice of the change on this Application. Any changes to this Policy will be effective upon the earlier of our dispatch of an e-mail notice to you or our posting of notice of the changes on our Application, provided that these changes will not apply to any transactions prior to the effective date of such changes, which will appear on the top of this page. The changes will be effective immediately for new users of our Application and any transactions by such new users. Therefore, we suggest that you re-read this important notice containing our Policy from time to time in order to stay informed as to any such changes. Please be advised that any use of the Application by you after such notice has been posted on the Application or sent to you via e-mail, shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by you of such modifications. If you find that the modified Terms are unacceptable, please discontinue your use of the Application. For purposes of this Policy, to use, access and/or visit the Application includes visiting the Application or any of its pages, making appointments through the Application, make use of the public forums, registering (partially or completely) in the Application, and logging in and out (“Use”). Personal Information Collected by Plan2Ops Identifying Information In order to use the Service, you shall register and create an Plan2Ops account. Your information (both personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information) is collected when you register with the Application to access and use Plan2Ops’s Service. Plan2Ops may collect your personal identifiable information when you Use the Application or when you register to Use the Application. Plan2Ops may also collect your personal identifiable information when you otherwise submit information to Plan2Ops, including instances when you do not complete any applicable registration process in its entirety. The type of personal identifiable information that Plan2Ops collects may include, without limitation, your: (a) full name; (b) email address and mobile telephone number; (c) profile picture; (d) device id; (e) physical or mailing address; (f) location; and (f) any and other information requested on the applicable registration form. Payment Information In order to make a transaction through Plan2Ops, you will need to provide certain payment information, including information stored on outside services that you may use (e.g. Stripe). By submitting your payment information and/or linking your account with an outside payment service, you authorize Plan2Ops to access and use this information in order to provide you with and accept payment for the Service. Use of Information Plan2Ops may use your personal information to provide or improve customer service, to provide you with information that you may request, customize your experience on the Application, and/or to contact you when necessary in connection with transactions you entered into. Plan2Ops may contact you through mail, email or over the phone (through calls or messages) to assist you, enhance your experience, provide you with offers or inform you about opportunities available with Plan2Ops.

Also, Plan2Ops may use your personal information to analyze and manage its business and for any other internal purposes. Plan2Ops reserves the right to review and store the communications you make through the Application, including your postings on the Application pages and your communication with other Users. Plan2Ops may use those communications for internal purposes, including to better understand how Users use the Service, as well as for security purposes. However, we are not required to review or remove any communications. Plan2Ops may use third party services to verify the personal information you provide to us and to obtain additional related information and corrections where applicable. You hereby authorize Plan2Ops to request, receive, use and store such information for a reasonable period of time. You agree to receive marketing from Plan2Ops, including but not limited to, text-message-based marketing. Even if your mobile telephone number is listed on any state and/or federal Do-Not-Call registries, Plan2Ops retains the right to contact you via text-message-based marketing in accordance with applicable state and federal laws. Non-personally identifiable information (including without limitation, the type of browser that you use and its version, your IP address, your location or your general geographic location, the operating system that you use and its version, and the domain name of your Internet service provider, aggregate information from all Application visitors and/or registered users) may be collected by Plan2Ops and used to analyze and improve Plan2Ops’s service and products and to design, customize, and improve the Application and for any other purpose, including but not limited to commercial purposes. When you visit or register in the Application, Plan2Ops may send a cookie and/or gif file (“Cookie”) to assign an anonymous, unique identifier to your Internet browser and/or your computer. A Cookie is a short string of data that allows our Application to remember who you are, serving much like a unique membership ID. Plan2Ops uses Cookies to remember reference keys to some of your Application preferences so that we can provide a more convenient experience during your next visit. A Cookie will be stored in your hard drive and contain non-personally identifiable information about you. You may delete and/or block Cookies from your browser, but this may affect the quality and/or performance of the Application. To disable and reject all Cookies, follow the instructions associated with your browser. Plan2Ops reserves the right to retain Cookie data indefinitely. Plan2Ops also reserves the right to retain personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information indefinitely. Disclosure of Information Plan2Ops will not sell, rent, lease or otherwise provide the non-personally identifiable information that you supply to Plan2Ops (or that Plan2Ops generates from any personally identifiable or non-personally identifiable information or any other information) to any third party. One you have agreed to an appointment, Plan2Ops may provide some of your personal information to the other party in that transaction.

However, such information shall be disclosed only if it is reasonably necessary to facilitate the transaction. For example, Plan2Ops may provide your phone number in order to facilitate communication with the other party. Plan2Ops may contract or employ other companies, agents or entities to send mail or email to you, fix internal problems in relation to the handling personally identifiable information, analyze data, provide business and marketing analysis, and to perform other functions on behalf of Plan2Ops. If we do this, the use of information by such third parties shall be bound by this Policy but Plan2Ops is not responsible for the acts or omissions of such third parties. If Plan2Ops promotes services of a third party and you agree to use those services, you agree that we may share your personal information with such third parties. However, we will only share the information reasonably needed to provide you with the requested services. Please be advised that the information shared with third parties under this paragraph is subject to their privacy policies, which may be different from this Policy. Therefore, we advise that you review the third parties’ privacy policies. Furthermore, Plan2Ops is not responsible for the acts or omissions of such third parties. Plan2Ops reserves the right to release past or current personally identifiable information in the event that Plan2Ops believes that you are using or have used the Service and/or the Application (or any part thereof): (i) in violation of the Terms of Service, as they may be amended from time to time; or (ii) to break the law. Additionally, Plan2Ops may release your personally identifiable information if (i) such information is subpoenaed or ordered to be disclosed by any authority; or (ii) Plan2Ops is sold, acquired or merges with any other entity. Personally identifiable information may be disclosed to the proper authorities in special situations where Plan2Ops has reason to believe that doing so is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against anyone damaging, injuring, or interfering (intentionally or unintentionally) with Plan2Ops’s rights, property, users, or anyone else who may be harmed by such activities. Plan2Ops may reveal personally identifiable information when it has been informed by law enforcement authorities or has established a good faith belief that the law requires Plan2Ops to do so. The Application may contain links to other websites (“External Links”).

Plan2Ops is not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. We encourage users to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. Security For privacy and security purposes, your Plan2Ops account information may be password-protected. If the Application or any part or component thereof requires the use of a password, you have the responsibility to maintain the secrecy and/or integrity of your password by taking reasonable measures to ensure that your password in not misused. You must notify Plan2Ops immediately should you suspect that your password secrecy and/or integrity have been compromised. Any registration by, use of or access to the Application by anyone under eighteen (18) years of age, is unauthorized, unlicensed and in violation of the Plan2Ops’s Terms of Use.